
WIPO中国:WIPO在京举办企业高级别圆桌会议 邓鸿森总干事强调知识产权是创新和经济增长的催化剂

栏目:公司动态 发布时间:2024-09-29

WIPO China: WIPO Hosts High-Level Roundtable with Enterprises in Beijing:

 Director General Daren Tang Champions IP as Catalyst for Innovation and Economic Growth

图:世界知识产权组织 | Photo: WIPO

北京,9月13日 – 世界知识产权组织(WIPO)在北京举行企业高级别圆桌会议,邓鸿森总干事发表主旨演讲,强调知识产权的变革力量。邓鸿森指出,知识产权不仅是法律概念,更是企业创新和经济增长不可或缺的战略资源。本次圆桌会议为行业领袖们提供了一个平台,就知识产权保护、商业化及其在全球竞争中的作用等议题交流见解。

Beijing, September 13 – The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) hosted a High-Level Roundtable with Enterprises in Beijing, where Director General Daren Tang delivered a keynote address emphasizing the transformative power of intellectual property (IP). Mr. Tang stressed that IP is not merely a legal construct but a strategic resource essential for business innovation and economic growth. The roundtable provided a platform for industry leaders to exchange insights on IP protection, commercialization, and its role in global competitiveness.


Voices from China’s Innovation Leaders

来自中国领军企业、WIPO GREEN合作伙伴、知名大学、WIPO全球奖获奖者和传统文化传承人的代表们就知识产权在促进创新、应对数字经济和绿色经济挑战方面的作用各抒己见。

Representatives from top Chinese enterprises, WIPO GREEN partners, leading universities, WIPO Global Award winners, and traditional cultural inheritors presented their views on IP’s role in fostering innovation and addressing challenges in the digital and green economies.


Zhang Lieyu, Director of the Watershed Center at the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, highlighted China’s growing investment in environmental protection technologies. However, he pointed out that SMEs face challenges when navigating international patent applications and legal systems. Zhang called on WIPO to provide guidance in helping Chinese green technologies enter global markets.

中关村创蓝清洁空气产业联盟主任解洪兴介绍了WIPO GREEN北京试点的最新进展:在北京试点中,延锋彼欧(北京)与波态(上海)生物科技之间针对生物降解有机危废治理需求已达成了合作,该项目的成功对接还促进了波态生物近期中标近1200万人民币的有机物生物降解的新项目。他还强调了国际合作中知识产权在提升中国绿色科技企业全球竞争力中的重要性。

Xie (Tonny) Hongxing, Director of the Bluetech Clean Air Alliance, introduced the progress of WIPO GREEN's Beijing pilot. Beijing Yanfeng Plastic Omnium Automotive and Waves (Shanghai) Biology Science &Technology reached collaboration on Biological Treatment of Organic Wastes in Beijing pilot, and this collaboration helped Waves Biology recently won a bidding of nearly 12 million RMB still in organic compounds treatment. He emphasized the importance of the role of IP in international cooperation to boost the global competitiveness of China's green technology enterprises.